So it was early in the morning around 2 a.m. and my mom and I were driven to the airport but my aunt and I went inside and a few minutes passed before fellow members of our club came. Once everybody got there we all got in line to check our bags, then we went through security and when I got to the officer with my ticket she asked me how old I was and I told her I was 12 and she told me to keep my shoes on. At first I was a little confused as to why she felt the need to tell me that, of course I would keep my shoes on. Then we all had to put all of our stuff into crates and to go through a metal detector. The officer controlling everybody and guiding them asked me how old I was too, I said 12 and he told me to step in the other line with all the other 12 year olds and to keep my shoes on and the same thoughts about keeping my shoes on regardless ran through my head again. Then, I realized that the 13 and up had to go through a different machine and take their shoes off.
Once security was done we all traveled as a group to our boarding station. Some people went to get food and some went to the bathroom. I had to go to the bathroom so I went with an adult. Then when I got back my mom told me she had get some food and she can’t go by herself. I did not want to go because I just sat down but I had to go. It was only 10 minutes when we got back that our flight was starting to board. So we got ready to board and since there are 3 seats in each row there had to be 2 kids with every adult and some kids traveled by themselves so they had to find an adult as well. Well everybody seemed to pair up pretty quickly I sat with my mom and another kid named Dorine. After that we got on the plane which was called Southwest Airlines. I started getting really nervous even though I had been on a plane before. I do not like taking off so I started to get my sick bag out and started praying. Then we took off and it was a bit unsettling but I did not get too worried even though at times it felt like we were crashing, I kept my faith in God. When we landed in Chicago, Illinois we had to head to baggage claim to get our bags. Once we got our bags we headed to the bus waiting area were the bus would take us to Oshkosh on a three hour ride. We landed at 7 a.m. and the bus wasn’t going to come until 11 a.m. so we had to sit and play with whatever we had for 4 hours. We found some outlets next to the chairs we were sitting in to charge our devices.
Then our bus came and the bus driver came and led us to the bus. Oh my goodness, was that bus HUGE! It had TV’s, a bathroom, and was really long it could fit 2 people a row. We went to burger king to eat. After that we had to head to O’Hare Airport to pick up another pathfinder club because we had to share the bus. When we got to the other airport we all had to switch to the other side of the bus so the others could fit. When they got on the bus they were really friendly. Then we had to go to a rest stop so they could get some food and we could use the bathroom. After that we had no more stops and drove all the way here to Oshkosh, a three hour trip, I fell asleep a few times and charged my phone and I am glad to be here.