The excitement was buzzing all around. It was the big day, the trip to Oshkosh. Sixty-five kids all got into the bus and off we were. About eight hours into the trip we suddenly stop. Some of us don’t make a big deal out of it, but others started to worry. We started driving again, and about a half mile later we stop again. That’s when we all start asking questions. The excitement that was buzzing was replaced with worry. This pattern went on for about two hours. Finally we pulled into a gas station just before the bus gave out. At first we thought it was a regular break, we ate at the Wendy’s next door and at first we were calm. But… things got a little out of hand. There was screaming, laughter, everyone was having fun, well, accept for the employees. They were ready to kick us out. But we went right on, after all, we were the only ones in the gas station.
“The jig is up. Where’s the food” Nico said as he was getting restless.
It was great. Eventually, we got on the bus and off we were, the fun lasted about an hour. There we were, at a new gas station. We sat for about five hours. We waited and eventually a new bus came. We prayed that this bus actually was functioning, and it was. We had made through Georgia, Alabama, Kentucky, and Illinois. The rest of the bus ride was filled with laughter, games, and lots of snoring. It was an unforgettable experience.