Blessed, that’s how I can resume my history in one word. This year I graduated from high school back in Ecuador and I decided that before going to college I wanted to give all my time to God. That’s how, I came to Florida to be a volunteer.
Giving this year to God was a blessing, and he open every single door through this adventure. And yes, there was some hard times, when I felt lonely, being without your family is not easy, but God decided that every single person working in the conference will become my new family.
Last month, when we started the journey to Oshkosh in the conference, I wasn’t sure if I was coming, I already had my ticket to get back to Ecuador! But God surprised me again… so, one week before coming to Oshkosh I was talking to the pathfinder director from Florida, I told him that some people from my country were planning to come, and he said “Yes, we are going to have people from around the world! That’s super cool!”
I said as a joke, “Sure, but its not going to be that cool because you don’t have me.”
And then he said, “You need to come with us.” I almost cried, once again God was making true another dream.
God has always been with me, and this is another proof that prayers are powerful, and learnt that from my family. So I can say that God has used me as a tool, and giving this year to Him has been the best decision so far.