The Batesburg-Leesville, S.C., Three Angels Seventh-day Adventist Company is a small church located in the western section of the state. Nearly all of its 60 members live outside the geographic area, some traveling up to an hour to attend services, but that doesn’t stop the enthusiasm and love for outreach the members have. Its members love the Lord, and desire to spread His last day message of love and hope to the community.
On some Fridays, you will see members come together, led by the head deacon, to cut grass, clear overgrown shrubs, and generally spruce up yards for the elderly and those who cannot afford to pay for their yards to be cleaned professionally. Under the umbrella of the church’s community services program, and in conjunction with the town’s code enforcement officer, the members have helped many individuals who could not otherwise have had their yards cleaned, and, because of their efforts, the community is a better place as well. The church was recently recognized by the town’s newspaper, The Twin City News, for its community service project. Another outreach project sponsored by the church assists primarily single mothers. Having one’s oil changed can be the last thing on a list of “to-dos” for a single mom who is running out of time and money. Recognizing this, the members have partnered with a local vendor to provide oil changes for preselected women who fit the criteria for the program. The evangelism team works with state and local agencies to find individuals who have a need for the program. This keeps the cars running a little longer for the women in the community, helps the members to make friends with the single- parent families, and eventually, through other programs like Vacation Bible School, may help these individuals to see how much Jesus loves them and their children.
For the past three years, the members have provided food baskets for needy families of children attending the Batesburg-Leesville Primary School. This year was no exception. The members prepared 30 food baskets for primary school families, and included those in the community who were assisted through other outreach programs like the community services yard-cleaning program. They found it a huge blessing to help others.
Among additional evangelistic programs are the church’s classes on last day events, Daniel and Revelation seminars, and seed-sowing through Project Steps to Christ mailings and Bible studies. The members have an active nursing home ministry and visitation program. They also support international mission projects throughout the world, and publish a weekly article in the Twin City newspaper that presents a short story with a spiritual application.
In addition to all the current outreach programs, the members are embarking on a worldwide mission project to reach the world for Jesus. It has begun an internet radio station, available at . The new station has many programs on Bible prophecy and health and wellness, children’s programs, sermons, and soothing Christian music to spark interest in the mission of the Seventh-day Adventist Church, and a saving knowledge of Jesus Christ. The company requests prayer for 777 Radio.
God’s blessings are abundant at Three Angels, and the members give God the glory for all He has done, and will do, as He continues to grow the company. They have not reached full church status yet, but the group continues to move ahead in God’s strength, and they believe that mighty things are happening.
Carolina | March 2020
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