The end of March marked another transition for the staff at Indian Creek Camp (ICC), as Darlene “Dar” White retired from her role as ICC’s food services director, a title she has carried for the past 35 years. Like her husband, Herb White, who transitioned from his service to ICC last year, Dar White has provided exemplary support to workers and guests, and the Indian Creek family will miss her greatly.
In reflecting on the past 3 ½ decades of ministry, White shares that she has seen many changes in the kitchen, as well as her job description. She experienced a cafeteria burning to the ground; cooked two times in the gymnasium, due to rebuilding the cafeteria and another construction project; worked with semi-trailer coolers and freezers and little barns as a pantry; and, through it all, still provided amazing food. A wonderful aspect of her servant leadership has been the willingness to be adaptable and take on whatever responsibilities were needed to help the ministry of the camp succeed.
She assumed the role of booking groups, worked in laundry, was janitorial staff who cleaned the entire facility, and was town pick-up person for needs of the camp. A woman of many hats, she is best known for being a listening ear to the young people who have worked at camp; and for providing a shoulder to cry on, a hug, and homemade Christmas cookies. Through trial and error, she learned to prepare gourmet meals, and is known worldwide for “Dar’s Granola.” She will be greatly missed, but ICC is excited for her to take a rest and enjoy the life God now has planned for her and Herb. “Thank you, Dar, for all you have meant to this camp and the people who have attended ICC. We pray God’s best as you move into a much-deserved chapter of life,” expresses the ICC family.
Kentucky-Tennessee | May 2020
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