Larger group events have slowly been returning for the Hispanic Ministries Department in Gulf States. Following the success of the marriage retreat in February 2021, Hispanic leadership moved forward with plans for the May 2021 event in Lumberton, Miss.
As a build-up to the annual Camp Meeting, the department launched multiple simultaneous week-long evangelistic series along the Gulf Coast. Several guest presenters came from throughout the Southern Union to lead the meetings with the support of the local pastors and church members. The meetings concluded with an outdoor baptismal event on May 8, in Gulfport, Miss. Julio Chazarretta, director of Hispanic ministries for the Southern Union, and representatives from the North American Division were in attendance to speak and celebrate with the many people who had made decisions for baptism. At the event, they presented the invitation to the new converts to attend Camp Meeting just a couple of weeks later.
As the start date of Camp Meeting approached, pastors from the Hispanic and English churches came together to set up Bass Memorial Academy, ready to welcome the hundreds that would be attending soon. With their combined effort and the assistance from Bass staff and students, the campus was prepared on time. Attendees started rolling in on Friday, May 21, and began setting up their tents or moving into the campus tents and dorm rooms.
As Sabbath approached, the evening program started with Misael Silverio, pastor for Gulf States, leading the worship team. Guest presenter Daniel Burgos from Costa Rica gave the opening message. On Sabbath morning, Brian Danese, president of Gulf States, presented the sermon for the worship hour, and Michel Rodriguez, Gulf States pastor, translated live on stage. Throughout the weekend, and during a special Sabbath concert, Madero Worship, an Adventist musical group from California, offered special music and songs during presenter appeals.
During the main presentation on Sabbath, even more attendees arrived, bringing the total to well over 800, including youth and children. The youth held their meetings in the Bass Academy chapel with guest presenter José Pérez Sierra. FEJA, the Hispanic youth ministry for Gulf States, launched various apparel and accessory items featuring their logo, which they began selling after sunset on Saturday. The funds will be raised to support the various youth activities throughout the year.
The event concluded on Sunday after a Camp Meeting 5K and other games and sports activities.
Gulf States | July 2021
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