Southeastern Conference’s Medical Cadet Corps (MCC) is on the move and making a impact in the community. Under the leadership of Lindsey Syeh, pastor and brigadier general, and Gilbert Luckie, colonel and MCC director/coordinator, the MCC ministry is living its mission of spreading the Gospel of Jesus Christ by serving God, the community, and the United States.
The MCC is an affiliate of the World Service Organization/National Service Organization. The medical cadets are trained and certified in first aid, cardiopulmonary resuscitation, and automatic external defibrillator. Additionally, the MCC have intermediate medical knowledge and skills to help assist individuals during disaster and non-disaster situations with medical emergencies and non-emergencies care.
Across the Conference, the MCC is 101 members strong, including Lieutenant Colonel Roldan Mendoza, pastor and chief chaplain, serving with loyalty, discipline, and obedience to God’s command. The MCC is highly visible, spending numerous hours in the community at various events. Their memers work alongside the Adventist Community Service Disaster Response team and provide support to health ministries, as well as respond to calls from the Red Cross and Adventist Development Relief Agency. The MCC motto is “One God-One Mission-One Team.”
Recently, the MCC received the Community Emergency Response Team Certification (CERT) from the Ft. Lauderdale and Ft. Myers Fire Department. The CERT training allows the MCC to accompany and assist the Fire Department in community events. As a result, there is a collaborative working relationship between the MCC and the Fire Department, presenting a witnessing opportunity.
The Southeastern Conference recognizes and appreciates the notable community involvement of the MCC.
They have assisted with blood pressure checks at the F.R.E.E.D.O.M. (dental, medical, and eye) Clinic held at Camp Hawthorne. Also, MCC members are acknowledged for their tirelessly heroic efforts during different hurricane seasons in Florida, including Hurricane Ian in 2022. The MCC was actively involved in helping those with a need by providing medical care and assisting with supply management. The MCC service to the community adds strength and value toward the advancement of the Conference’s mission of sharing hope and restoring wholeness.
Within the United States and around the globe, there are many active MCC organizations. If you want to get involved in the MCC, a worthwhile and noble organization, or need the assistance of the Conference’s MCC, contact Gilbert Luckie via email at or by phone at 954-821-8028.
Southeastern | September 2024
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