Advertisements in the Southern Tidings are intended to offer Seventh-day Adventist members, entities, and supporting entities an avenue for direct communication with members of the Southern Union Conference. Advertising policy is established by the Southern Tidings Committee, composed of Southern Union Officers and the Southern Tidings editors. The Southern Tidings Committee reserves the right to reject any advertising which does not conform to church standards or the policies spelled out below.

General Principles

Southern Tidings reserves the right to accept, reject, or cancel any and all advertisements at its sole discretion. Advertisements shall not be deceptive or misleading and will not be accepted if they conflict with the principles of the Seventh-day Adventist Church or other appropriate Southern Union or denominational policies.

The acceptance or appearance of an advertisement in the Southern Tidings does not imply or constitute Southern Union endorsement of the product, service, the advertiser, or claims made for the product or service. It is the responsibility of the advertiser to comply with all laws and regulations applicable to the marketing or sale of the products or services advertised.

Advertisements disparaging a competitor’s product or service will not be accepted.

Unacceptable Advertising

  1. Advertising that conveys ethnic, religious, gender, or age bias or prejudice.
  2. Advertising from persons or entities that have suits against the Seventh-day Adventist Church or any of its entities.
  3. Advertising that resembles editorial material in content and format.
  4. Advertisements for credit, debit, or charge cards or similar financial instruments.
  5. Advertising for Insurance Policies

Special Requirements

Companies, individuals, or groups desiring to advertise must comply with the following:

  1. All requests must be submitted in writing.
  2. Any first time advertising requests must include a copy of the current product/service literature with the original submission.
  3. The name and contact information of the official representative must be included with the original submission.
  4. The company/individual must be in good financial standing with the Southern Union Conference (no outstanding bills/invoices)
  5. Any advertiser submitting an advertisement for all-inclusive travel must also submit the following:
    1. Copy of the USPS permit showing authorization to mail at the USPS non-profit rate
    2. Statement that the travel arrangement is designed for and mainly promoted to members of the Seventh-day Adventist Church
    3. Statement that the travel substantially contributes to the purpose of the Seventh-day Adventist Church.

Technical Requirements

The advertisement should clearly identify the advertiser of the product or service offered. Layout and format of advertising copy shall avoid confusion with editorial content and the word “advertisement” may be required to assure clarity.


Display Advertising orders are accepted subject to the terms of the current rate card. A signed insertion order is required prior to ad placement. Final art materials shall be submitted by closing date unless otherwise specified by the Southern Tidings advertising manager. All cancellations must be received in writing prior to insertion order closing date or advertiser will be subject to penalty. Positioning is at the sole discretion of the publisher and cannot be guaranteed.