BY Sandy Becker A 14-year-old Pathfinder had a vision to provide a Thanksgiving feast for those who had no... read more →
BY Becky Cain Teacher Becky Cain shares her class’ experience.... read more →
BY Beth GrissomMore than 650 women attended the Fullness... read more →
BY Tom Mills Babette... read more →
BY Courtney Herod... read more →
BY Candice Johnson Candice Johnson The children on the educational campus of the Spartanburg, S.C., Church didn’t have a playground for the 2018-19 school year as they waited for a... read more →
BY Rachel Beaver Ryan Becker, host of the Echo podcast, interviews Rachel Beaver and Rick Maskelony for one of the show's episodes. Courtney Herod... read more →
BY Rachel Beaver Prison ministries leaders from the Carolina Conference have started a prison ministry in the country of India. This... read more →
BY Rachel Beaver Contributed Construction on the first prison transitional house in the Carolinas is near completion. For the last three years, the house itself has been under heavy renovation... read more →
So basically my club was stuck in a car for 16 hours and there was and a lot of things that happened during the two day car drive and most... read more →