by Rachel Beaver Contributed Soul-winning and evangelism can come in a variety of shapes and sizes. Henry Johnson, pastor and young adult director at the Carolina Conference, makes it a... read more →
BY Rebecca Grissom Rebecca Grissom During the month of April, Asheville- Pisgah Christian School fifth- and sixth-graders teamed up with a local company, Aeroflow Healthcare, and Diaper Bank of North... read more →
BY Rachel BeaverEvery year at Nosoca Pines Ranch in Liberty Hill, S.C., Pathfinder clubs come together... read more →
BY LaFayette TrawickThree Adventist elementary schools from the Carolina and South Atlantic conferences partnered to hold a Science, Technology,... read more →
BY Denise BustosThe last place you would ever think to go on a mission trip is... read more →
BY Rebecca CarpenterA new approach was taken for the Adult Sabbath School Retreat at Nosoca Pines... read more →
by Beth Grissom In the spring of 2017, “Sharon” was anxious — anxious because she was... read more →
BY Alisha MichaelThere’s no busier classroom in any elementary school than a kindergarten classroom. Add the... read more →
BY Courtney HerodThe Westminster, S.C., Church celebrated the mortgage-burning for their family life facility on December 15, 2018. Thanks... read more →
BY Rebecca CarpenterIt’s a Valentine’s tradition... read more →