BY Courtney Herod Roger Hernandez makes a call at the... read more →
BY Rebecca CarpenterThe desire was to inspire churches in all stages of growth to take their efforts in soul-winning... read more →
BY Ryan Hodgins Ryan Hodgins, associate pastor at Sharon Church, shares his testimony. With the... read more →
BY rebecca carpenter Courtney Herod The fourth annual Generous Living Summit, with the theme “Enough? The Secret to Being Content,” was held in Raleigh, N.C., at Raleigh First Church on... read more →
BY Juliana BaioniGuests were warmly greeted by Hope Channel staff member “Carmen” as they entered the... read more →
by Karen KnowlessMother Teresa once said, “Not all of us can do great things. But, we can do small... read more →
BY Pastor Domingo A. Paulino Before the excited church members entered the new sanctuary, Leslie Louis, Carolina Conference president, along with the builder (left) and... read more →
BY Pastor Ryan Ashlock Ryan Ashlock, pastor; church members; and the builder cut the ceremonial ribbon of the new Family Life Center. Rebecca Carpenter... read more →
BY Rebecca Carpenter The Carolina officers, along with the Generous Living director, communication director and associate, one pastor, and one lay church member,... read more →
BY Pen Braister-Sturgis The Sturgis family Contributed The Arden, N.C., Church recently started Life Groups, a once-a-week study group focused on certain topics relevant to their members. It’s a six-week... read more →