BY rebecca carpenter Umoja Church... read more →
BY Rebecca CarpenterThe women of the Carolina Conference are a... read more →
BY Rebecca carpenter contributed More than 80 individuals with a passion for church growth and a desire for evangelism training convened at the Carolina Conference office in Charlotte, N.C., on... read more →
BY DOMINGO PAULINORecently, several of the church members in the Raleigh and Durham, N.C., areas had the opportunity to... read more →
BY Courtney herod Claudio Consuegra demonstrates (with the help of four volunteers) that no matter how big you are, alone you are... read more →
BY Israel Mora Sam Romero, pastor, with the family that was... read more →
BY BECKY CARPENTER Ivan and Kathleen Williams Carole Louis... read more →
By Courtney Herod South Carolina Governor Nikki Haley (standing, center) thanked the Adventist Community Services team from the Carolinas who were in her state... read more →
BY BECKY CARPENTER The promise of sisterly love, spiritual renewal, and physical rest was enough... read more →