Adventists should be telling our own story in advertising, promoting our positive... read more →
AdventHealth leaders engage in a Q&A discussion during the organization’s virtual Conference on Mission 2021. The World Health Organization has, since its inception in 1948, endorsed health as a fundamental... read more →
mariel lombardi Church leaders and members came together to take an honest look at their church and make it better. “Freely ye have received, freely give,” Matthew 10:8. For 18... read more →
by Greg Hudson R. M.... read more →
AdventHealth spiritual caregivers share hope with patients referred for spiritual services. In health care, referrals are understood as transfers of care to medical specialists such as cardiologists or gynecologists. But,... read more →
Richard Cecere and Laree Daniel Church leaders and members came together to take an honest look at their church and make it better. How healthy is your church? The members... read more →
Paola mora zepedao Franklin Church pioneers burn mortgage note to celebrate paying off their new church property. Franklin Church was able to secure the property... read more →
Amireh al-haddad Get your free book by scanning the QR code or visiting the website Supplies are limited.
Note to reader: After you read this article, I invite you to... read more →
wayne hewlett Southeastern directors and administrators supported the... read more →
Rolando Morgado Adriana Garcia (center) was a prayer warrior who never gave up praying for her sister, Fabiola Angulo (right). Also pictured is Adriana's husband,... read more →