by shane hochstetler Evgeni Kovachev, pastor... read more →
by joel barrios Alejandra Chiesa and her husband, Giorgio Chiesa, are now baptized members of the Spanish-American Church in Collegedale, Tennessee. They found Jesus online... read more →
Adventist Health System physicians care for the... read more →
by Amalia DeShayBreath of Life Ministries is dedicated to sharing the Gospel of Jesus Christ in the context of the Three Angels’ Messages... read more →
by john bradshawJesus’ instruction was clear: “Go therefore and make disciples,” Matthew 28:19. In preparation... read more →
by Natalie Boonstra Photographers and modeling agents were drawn... read more →
curtis eakins Individuals from seven towns and... read more →
by Adonna Adino Six... read more →
Lucas L. Johnson II Michael A. Hubbard At a time of heightened racial discord and tragedy across the country, two predominantly black and white Seventh-day Adventist conferences are seeking ways... read more →
by shane hochstetler Michel Rodriguez, pastor of Montgomery Hispanic... read more →