by Annalyse hasty It Is Written staff Charles Reel (left), treasurer; John Bradshaw, speaker/director; and Jesse Johnson, general manager, proudly display a mock check written to the Park Vista Hotel... read more →
by mAriel lombardi Gerson Sanchez, Gulf States pastor,... read more →
by Dorothy Knight MarshBorn in the deep south of Mississippi was a young girl who was eager to find out what life... read more →
BY DAVID HARTMAN The Victory Mission Group began meeting once a month in Schlisner Hall at Madison Campus Church in December 2015. On Sabbath, March 12, 2016, after much prayer,... read more →
by Bryan Lankston Attendees pause for a group photo during the 2016 SONscreen | Ignite workshop held August 13-14, 2016, at the Florida Conference... read more →
by Amireh al-haddad The preamble to the Constitution states without hesitation or restraint these words, “We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union... read more →
by Karen Williams Janelle Smith followed her passion and discovered blessings and joy. On Thursdays, Smith offers something called Horsey Night at her home for girls, ages three to 19.... read more →
Participates in Madison Academy Cross Country Race BY DEVON BARDO Devon surrounded by other runners The Apostle Paul describes the Christian journey as a race. During this race you face... read more →
by ken rogers Nearly 6,000 Pathfinders and staff gathered for the Southern Union Pathfinder Camporee, held October 12-16, 2016, at Camp Kulaqua in High Springs,... read more →
By Mario Roberts More than 400 physicians participated in a national study conducted by Adventist Health System that examined their experiences assessing the spiritual needs of patients. A first-of-its-kind study... read more →