Gladys M. Neigel Annie Pérez (second from right), Florida Conference prayer ministries and women’s ministries director, joined a group of faith leaders to pray... read more →
Charles... read more →
Participating in a “Welcome Home” were... read more →
Rolando Morgado Adriana Garcia (center) was a prayer warrior who never gave up praying for her sister, Fabiola Angulo (right). Also pictured is Adriana's husband,... read more →
Julie Z. Lee Maranatha volunteers are shown in front of a new 40×60-foot outdoor pavilion being contructed for Camp Kulaqua in Florida. Masks were removed... read more →
BY JOSÉ MARRERO Lake Wales Spanish Church Pathfinders perform the Varsity iCamporee theme song that they composed. I Am Loved to the Xtreme reflects what can be seen at Lake... read more →
JosÉ Marrero Lake Wales Spanish Church Pathfinders perform the Varsity iCamporee theme song that they composed. Music Video Still Frame IAm Loved to the Xtreme reflects what can be seen... read more →
By ADRA MEDIA Richard W. O’Ffill, 79,... read more →
By Lori Thieme is Florida Conference Office of Education early childhood associate superintendent. Young children learn through active exploration — they... read more →