Rachel Beaver Kurt Allen, Conference vice-president for finance, and Tim Leffew, Conference publishing director, burn the HHES mortgage with Bill Beckworth (back row, right), retired... read more →
Brandi Dixon, Community Relations Coordinator at The Samaritan Center Collegedale Academy students collect food from the community as part of the annual CAD4Hope food drive.... read more →
Dan Hall Early in life, Amy Marsh* faced many struggles and regularly did not see that God was with her. Like Marsh, her aunt, Lauren Barber, also didn’t grow up... read more →
Nicole Toledo consults with clients in the preparation of estate plan documents. Nicole Toledo has been appointed as the new Stewardship and Trust Services... read more →
Sarah Shim Erwin Nanasi, D.Min., presents during the Collegedale Korean Music in Worship Conference. A special highlight was a mass choir singing "How Great Thou Art" during the weekend's church... read more →
Abraham Morales Members of the Morristown Hispanic Company sign their names to become charter members of the Morristown Hispanic Church. The organization service took... read more →
Rick Greve, Georgia-Cumberland Northern Region Ministerial Director It Is Written An exciting and innovative concept took flight October 19-22, 2022 at the Knoxville First Church, Knoxville, Tenn. Using the church... read more →
Atlanta Revision members sign their names to become official members of Revision Atlanta Church. The church started in 2009 as Atlanta Fusion Mission Group,... read more →
Aubrey Duncan The Forsyth New Life Mission, Forsyth, Ga., holds Vacation Bible School at an apartment complex in the community. This is one of several methods the church uses to... read more →
Cheyenne Roth and Hannah Boyd, students from the class of 2022 Collegedale Academy students spent their spring break to help rebuild the school which, along... read more →