It all started on Sunday, August 11, 2019 at 4:00 PM. After approximately an hour and a half of non-stop loading of bags and stuff unto the bus, we were... read more →
It all started with disappointment, and has not ended yet, but has, so far, been continued with so much enjoyment. My small club from Wildwood, Georgia, has not been together... read more →
My experience at Oshkosh is going pretty amazing after all , I love meeting lots of people from around the world and doing many fun stuff. One of all my... read more →
My name is Shelby and I am 11 years old in 6th grade. I was excited about coming to Oshkosh! It was a long drive here and took us 14... read more →
Some would say that going to Camporee is a hot, stinky, waste of time and part of me would tend to agree. Especially so, when the air conditioning in your... read more →
Me and my friends asked some pathfinders from Oshkosh in 2019 how they got here and what their favorite activities were, many people drove hours even days at a time.... read more →
BY TAmara Wolcott Fisher After more than 14 years as president of the Georgia-Cumberland Conference and 46 years of service to the Adventist Church, Ed Wright will retire August 31,... read more →
By Paull Dixon, MPH Stephen and Karen Wickham created the Grundy Reversing Diabetes program presented at the Bristol, Tenn., Church. Submitted by: Paull Dixon For the third annual diabetes prevention... read more →
BY Brittny Desvarieux Ty Gibson, co-director of Light Bearers and pastor of the Eugene, Oregon, Church, was the featured speaker for the Georgia-Cumberland Conference Camp... read more →
by Sabrina Patton Teachers attending the summer training event include Angela Walton (front center); Sabrina Patton (first row), Courtney Day, Kim Thompson, Diana Clemons, Valerie Hunt, and Michelle Laney; Briana... read more →