Kathy Lamson Young people from Huntsville Central Church deliver pizza and snacks to the... read more →
Shane Hochstetler Dave Livermore preaches for... read more →
BY Linda Freeman Paul and Deborah Pledger (left, back),... read more →
BY Shane Hochstetler Steffy and Josue Sanchez are excited to welcome their new baby and join Gulf States in youth ministry. Gulf States welcomed the latest addition to its team... read more →
BY Shane Hochstetler Stan Hobbs (left) accepts a signed baseball bat and plaque from Dave Livermore, Conference president. Shane Hochstetler Office staff gathered at a safe distance in the meeting... read more →
BY Shane Hochstetler Elders gather around the Olatunjis for the... read more →
BY Rosalind James Rosalind James, right, ACS director for Dothan First, receives the... read more →
BY Shane Hochstetler Vehicles filling the parking lot at... read more →
BY Shane Hochstetler Wanda Beck looks forward to serving Gulf States "as long as the Lord provides me with strength." Shane Hochstetler Wanda Beck, former principal for Floral Crest School... read more →
BY Shane Hochstetler Samuel Riemersma, pastor, prepares for the upcoming filming of their church service for their local television program. Shane Hochstetler At the end of 2019, the Community Church... read more →