BY kerrian hazley Ruben and Melissa Martinez demonstrate a... read more →
BY sandra price Rebecca Jarrard, R.N., was the keynote speaker for the Alzheimer's seminar at the Athens, Ala., Church. What are the 10 warning signs of Alzheimer’s disease? How does... read more →
by tyler roberts Dave Livermore (left), president of the Gulf States Conference, stands with Mark Sandoval, M.D., president of Uchee Pines Wellness Center in Seale, Alabama. Tyler Roberts Dave Livermore,... read more →
BY Raelene Brower The Class of 2017 is presented to Scott Bowes, BMA principal, prior to receiving their diplomas. Graduation for seniors at Bass Memorial Academy was held Saturday night,... read more →
BY Tyler Roberts Mike Tucker shares a message... read more →
For Evangelism by Tyler Roberts Richard Halverson preaches at The Ridge,... read more →
BY Valynda Bailey The women enjoyed a... read more →
BY Tyler Roberts Pensacola Junior Academy students in the robotics program include... read more →
BY Anderson T. Ramos Students and chaperones on the Bass mission trip include Scott Bowes (left), Katherine Bowes, Carlos Aguiñaga, Ashely Bowes, Amber Bowes,... read more →
BY tyler roberts Brigitte Cicoan continues her family’s legacy of Camp Meeting attendance. Sheri Ciocan The history of loving fellowship and spirit-filled preaching is evident every year at Gulf States... read more →