BY ARMANDO DE LEON, HISPANIC COORDINATOR Attendees at the 2017 Hispanic Camp Meeting Everyone who attended the 2017 Hispanic Camp Meeting were blessed by the words of guest speakers Elizabeth... read more →
BY REBECA LOVELESS, PBE Coach Murfreesboro Armor Bearers Pathfinder Bible Experience (PBE) is an annual event the Southern Union participates in and is very excited about. Hundreds of teams from... read more →
BY PAM WILLIAMS AND KRIS FUENTES Pam Williams (left), Conference associate superintendent of education; Stephen Bralley, superintendent of education; Myrna Closser; and Steve Haley, Conference... read more →
BY ANDREW JAMIESON Avery Kroll, senoir, and Jackson Webb, junior, lay blocks for the... read more →
BY DAVID HARTMAN Steve Haley (left), Conference president; Paulina and Ignacio Silverio; and David Hartman, Conference ministerial director Ignacio Silverio, affectionately known as Nacho, was ordained into the gospel ministry... read more →
BY HELEN KELLY First grader,... read more →
BY KEN TURPEN The Kids in Tune choir and director celebrate 10 years of missionary service. Did you know that you don’t need to travel or be a certain age... read more →
BY MELLANIE HUNTER Ghana Ensemble render special music during the International Sabbath School. Middletown Church in Louisville, Ky., is blessed to have more than 24 countries represented among its members... read more →
BY LLOYD SCHOMBURG Sarah Westerbeck (left), Jeane McKeen, and Jeanette McHenry Jeane McKeen was watching Amazing Facts on television two years ago, and started correspondence studies. When she completed a... read more →
BY SHANNON ARMANTROUT The doctors prepare for vowel surgery. Pre-K and Kindergarten (pre-K/K) are essential to the foundation of a person’s education. Once that foundation is laid, and laid firmly... read more →