BY communication team The Shoals Church in Florence, Ala., opened its doors to the community on Sabbath, July 27, 2024, as part of the annual W.C. Handy Music Festival. The... read more →
BY communication team Andy Mendoza, pastor from Puerto Rico, was the main speaker for the event. The Federación de Jóvenes Adventistas (FEJA) of the Gulf States Conference held its... read more →
Sungjoon “Paul” Min, associate pastor, Orlando Central Korean Church Senior... read more →
Sharnett A. Morris For more than 10 years, Denese and Valtricts Binns have... read more →
Pictured are Harold Thomas III, D.Min. (left), with Shiloh members, parents, and their children who participated in the dedication service. Erwin Davis The Shiloh Church in Smyrna, Ga., welcomed the... read more →
Kim Major Gaiter, south atlantic Vice President for Education Rhyanne Carrington (left), associate superintendent; Kim Major Gaiter, vice president for education; and Sharlene Thomas, assistant... read more →
Many church members volunteered, making the event a success. The Living Waters Company successfully held its Fifth Annual Back to School Bash organized by Karyn Nooks. More than 20 families... read more →
Jennifer Sankey-Battles, Ph.D. Erica Francios, D.N.P. (left); Julissa Sainvil, M.S.; Brenda Owusu, D.N.P.; and Carmina Charles, M.D. Your health matters to God. For this reason, the “Your Health Matters” program... read more →
PAOLA MORA ZEPEDA Group photo with members of the La Grange Hispanic Church, friends, and Conference administration. Founded in 2018, the church now welcomes more... read more →
Paola Mora Zepeda Pictured are members of the... read more →