Paola Mora Zepeda Leaders of the Pioneros de Memphis Pathfinder Club... read more →
Members of the Livingston, Tenn., Fellowship conducted health screenings, distributed health related material, and made connections with local residents during the local County Fair. From the connections made, the members... read more →
Tina Frist Smith, southern communication manager Pathfinders were able to get hands-on experience with a forge at Southern’s blacksmithing booth during the International Camporee. Photo... read more →
Carol Verrill, Collegedale Church children’s ministries pastor, leads prayer with a local teacher carside during the seventh annual Drive-Thru Lunch and Blessing event on... read more →
Emory Bailey, a TLT with the Cherokee Pathfinder Club from the Calhoun and Georgia-Cumberland Academy churches, shows off one of his three first place awards for being the best chef... read more →
Andrew Shanahan Mpho Cross, Ruth Mugwaneza, Mia Cabansag, and Ruth Murekatete help spread mulch at the La Follette, Tenn., Church. "Therefore pray the Lord of the harvest to send out... read more →
Paola Mora Zepeda Jeconias Bautista hugs Hector Garcia,pastor, after his baptism. Bautista has attended the Owensboro Church for more than a... read more →
Paola Mora Zepeda Hispanic pastors and Conference administrators pray over David Fagre during his ordination. Paola Mora Zepeda During the Hispanic Camp Meeting on Saturday, June 8, 2024, family and... read more →
Paola Mora Zepeda Andrew Anobile, and his wife, Ashley, pose with their son, Drew, following Anobile’s ordination. Xander Ordinola Church members from the Madison Campus, Tenn., Church, as well as... read more →
Students share a research project and answer questions from the audience during a Hickman Research Luncheon. Mila Bales Scientific Minds Feast at Research Luncheons Scientific minds feast once a month... read more →