Paola Mora Zepeda Jeconias Bautista hugs Hector Garcia,pastor, after his baptism. Bautista has attended the Owensboro Church for more than a... read more →
Paola Mora Zepeda Hispanic pastors and Conference administrators pray over David Fagre during his ordination. Paola Mora Zepeda During the Hispanic Camp Meeting on Saturday, June 8, 2024, family and... read more →
Paola Mora Zepeda Andrew Anobile, and his wife, Ashley, pose with their son, Drew, following Anobile’s ordination. Xander Ordinola Church members from the Madison Campus, Tenn., Church, as well as... read more →
Students share a research project and answer questions from the audience during a Hickman Research Luncheon. Mila Bales Scientific Minds Feast at Research Luncheons Scientific minds feast once a month... read more →
Gaining hands-on experience is a fundamental part of the construction management program at Southern. Staff Photographer Southern Adventist University has the only Adventist construction management program in the United States.... read more →
Jennifer Sankey-Battles, Ph.D. and Gilbert Luckie Southeastern Conference MCC collaborates with Ft. Lauderdale Fire Department.... read more →
Clarissa Alberto Each year, the Carolina Conference of Seventh-day Adventists Teachers’ Meeting... read more →
Clarissa Alberto Wilmington Spanish Church, a church born from humble beginnings and fueled by the unwavering... read more →
Jackie Payne Children line up for their turn to go through a bouncy house obstacle course during an MAC Family Night. The monthly events... read more →
Cindy Hamby Olivia Hamby participates in one of the VBS activities at Griffin Church. This was the first VBS the church has held in several years, and it created opportunities... read more →