pastor monte newbill sr. Marvel’s Endgame movie captured the hearts, minds, and attention of many around the world. This blockbuster movie, one of the most expensive films ever made, became... read more →
rosia A. parker Born to Save the World” is the story of the celebration of the advent of the Lord. The women of the South Atlantic Conference under the direction... read more →
La Verne Robinson The community around Gethsemane, N.C., Church and its members found themselves in unchartered territory as the states issued... read more →
lessie scurry Participants include Alicia Harris (left), treasurer; Sam Palmer, head deacon; Norman Smith, deacon; Kenneth Frazier, deacon and project manager; Sherwin Jack, Ph.D., senior... read more →
James Lamb, Ph.D. David M. Jones, pastor, was born July 17, 1936 in Jacksonville, Florida.... read more →
pastor Myles Young Staff present for the voter registration drive COVID-19 has been an incredibly difficult time for ministry. With churches closed to promote social distancing, many of the ways... read more →
BY AISHA MCLEARY Jessica Davidson and Michael Taylor host the “Round Table Connect” young adult Sabbath School at the South Atlantic Conference Studio. When we look at the world,... read more →
BY DONOVAN WASHINGTON, D.MIN. The online forum participants include Donovan Washington (top, left), Conference youth director; Bryce James; Kathrina Samuels; Natasha Jones; William Winston, Conference president; Austin Humphreys, pastor of... read more →
BY Jean Hercule Toussaint, Pastor at Philadelphie church It was with overflowing joy that the... read more →
BY Zachary Boyd Pastors Austin Humphreys (right) and Kaggia Scott discussed the role of faith in surviving COVID-19, and other challenges with L’Tonya Jackson, a... read more →