BY LORNETTE STOKES First Church in Huntsville, Ala., Bible Bowl team, with Roger R. Wade (left), South Central associate youth director and communication director; Lorenzo Shepherd (back row, far right),... read more →
BY Pastor Paul Goodridge Leslie Pollard (left), Ph.D., D.Min.; John Nixon, D.Min.; Gwendolyn Ward; Richard E. Tottress, Ph.D.; Craig Newborn, Ph.D.; and Carlton P. Byrd, D.Min. Joe Booth September 3,... read more →
BY Brenda Cowan Nine leaders, 16 emerging leaders, and two guest presenters came together on October 20-22, 2017, at the Wild, Wild West Camp in Tuskegee, Ala., for a Teen... read more →
BY Tiffney Gipson The members were invited to participate in one of 10 community service activities during the summer. They proudly wear their “Jesus SWAG” (Serve, Worship, and Glorify) T-shirts,... read more →
BY Lloyda Broomes Williamson, M.D. Lloyda Broomes Williamson, M.D., presents the Meharry Alcohol and Drug Abuse Founder Award to her father, L. Rudy Broomes, M.D.... read more →
BY Linda Anderson Christal... read more →
BY nettie henderson Close to 100 people were in attendance at the "Luke 14" Banquet. People with disabilities and special needs were showered with abundant love and special honor at... read more →
BY shirley scott 2017 Prayer Summit attendees Michael... read more →
BY Rosie Pitt Ronnie Forté (left), pastor, baptizes... read more →
BY janice browne, ph.d. Janice Browne, Ph.D. (left), and Heather-Dawn Small (fifth, from left), director of women's ministries at the General Conference, are greeted by... read more →