BY Karen Greene Christopher Thompson, D.Min., new communication/technology director, pictured with his wife, Tracy, and their son, Christopher II, brings a wealth of experience and passion for ministry to the... read more →
BY Romel Charles Race day participants dash from the start line at the sound of the bell. The "Get Moving Tampa Bay 5K" is geared to promote healthy living for... read more →
BY WillieMae Peterkin Musgray Newly ordained pastors Arnold Beauvais (left) and Rafael Ortega listen intently as they receive words of counsel from Clarence Wright... read more →
BY Kivette Sinclair Groundbreaking event at First Church in Loxahatchee Groves, Fla. Barry Bonner, senior pastor of First Church in Loxahatchee Groves, Fla., along with his congregation, guest pastors, Southeastern... read more →
BY Izmane Jean-Louis Food and clothing giveaway, and health screening at Bethel Church in Gainesville, Fla. The atmosphere was joyous with music playing in the background as hundreds of people... read more →
BY Bethany Communication TeamMembers of the Miami Bethany Church held their first Brownsville Unity Day. The outdoor event was held on the property... read more →
BY SOutheastern Conference Administation Greogry Mack, Southeastern president, presents the strategic imperatives... read more →
BY Michelle AndersonWe Have Come This Far By Faith,” was the theme of the Poinciana Church, Poinciana, Fla., opening... read more →
BY MARY ALICE BATTLE AND VERNA GLENN The women at Progress Village Church deliver handmade hats to the Moffitt Bone Marrow Transplant Clinic in Tampa, Fla. The women of Progress... read more →
BY VERNE JACQUES The Eitenne family Augustin Etienne, a former Pentecostal pastor for 17 years, with his wife and three of their children, was received by profession of faith at... read more →