I am chosen, and I am from the Bethel eagles, from Southeastern Conference. So I had fun in Oshkosh with Jesus and other pathfinders learning about them, pin trading and... read more →
French biologist Louis Pasteur once said, “Success favors preparation.” Oshkosh is a huge testament to that. Everything, and I do mean EVERYTHING has to be accounted for. Campers need to... read more →
This is my first time at Oshkosh and honestly I can say that I’m actually really enjoying myself. It was a few years ago when our director first mentioned it... read more →
Have you ever traded a pin? You can get pins from honors or you can buy them it is your choice. You use your pins to put them on your... read more →
When you get to Oshkosh you put your tents up and you put your things in it and you get wrist bands to wear, then you can go to any... read more →
BY Nancy Wells Mt. Pisgah Outreach team members gather for prayer at the Miami Rescue Mission before serving more than 300 homeless men, women, and... read more →
BY Jennifer Bartley Adventist Community Service workers from 10 Ft. Lauderdale, Fla., area churches and Accurate Health Care Agency partnered for grocery giveaway to employees affected by the partial government... read more →
BY Lovelee Mathurin The Ephesus Jr. Academy in West Palm Beach, Fla., students Jeremiah Jean-Baptiste (left), Jayla Turner, Bryan Chung, and Kody James accepted the call of God to give... read more →
BY Roger Alvarez Pictured are Johnnie Rodriguez (left), church member; Rafael Ortega, pastor; and Ernesto Rodriguez, baptism candidate. Johnnie Rodriguez brought his co-worker Ernesto Rodriguez... read more →
By Kivette Sinclair-Hamilton Barry Bonner, pastor, and members of First Church in Loxahatchee Groves, Fla., became the sermon at Currie Park in West Palm Beach, Fla., for a community service... read more →