BY Dwight Gayle Trinity Temple church building in the south Florida area is closed, but the Church must continue to thrive. The members are the Church, not the building. Dwight... read more →
BY Java mattison Haniah and Java Mattison III read Bible stories for a... read more →
BY Cynthia williams Mount Olivet Church, Ft. Lauderdale, Fla., continues its efforts in being a servant to God’s people during a pandemic crisis that is plaguing millions. Mt. Olivet resides... read more →
BY southeastern communication staff Mithra Williams (left), Southeastern women’s ministries director; Shavonne Jones, singles' ministries and associate treasurer; and Mark Brown, Ph.D., family ministries, partner... read more →
BY southeastern communication staff Gregory O. Mack (left), president, and Nicolas Louis, director of Haitian ministries, work together to inspire, encourage, and develop the next... read more →
BY SEC communication staff Southeastern Conference administrators and some retreat attendees stand outside the Conference office after a weekend of workshops and activities. Attendees were... read more →
BY Joyce Hospedales Theophilus Hamilton, quadriplegic due to an accident when he was a youth, testified of his appreciation to church members who encouraged him... read more →
BY Carol smith More than 200 people in the Orlando, Fla., area were served Thanksgiving dinner. Church members prepared the food and brought it to... read more →
BY Lywanda Bell, Principal Pictured are Dwanette Dilworth, Ed.D. (left), Zeta Phi Beta Sorority member; Lywanda Bell, Shiloh principal; Barbara Davis, Ed.D., Southeastern superintendent of education; and Garreon Bailey, sixth-grade... read more →
BY Vanessa Taylor and Mithra Williams Praise... read more →