BY Jennifer Bartley Adventist Community Service workers from 10 Ft. Lauderdale, Fla., area churches and Accurate Health Care Agency partnered for grocery giveaway to employees affected by the partial government... read more →
BY Lovelee Mathurin The Ephesus Jr. Academy in West Palm Beach, Fla., students Jeremiah Jean-Baptiste (left), Jayla Turner, Bryan Chung, and Kody James accepted the call of God to give... read more →
by nicola mcclymont-stoddart Leadership summit attendees were able to listen to presentations in their own language via translation devices. General sessions and workshops exposed church... read more →
BY Millicent Taylor Celian Hunt celebrated her 98th birthday on November 6, 2018. Millicent Taylor In 1920 women could not enlist in the military. They could not hold certain jobs.... read more →
BY Jeff Jefferson Celian Hunt celebrated her 98th birthday on November 6, 2018. Millicent Taylor The Inter-American Division of Seventh-day Adventists launched a massive “Lord Transform Me” evangelistic initiative across... read more →
BY Nicolas Louis Three pastors from Southeastern traveled to Cap Haitian to conduct a 10-day evangelistic crusade, January 18-28, 2019. Added to the Church were 205 individuals, and 12 couples... read more →
BY Natasha McCoy Participating in the mortgage-burning ceremony were Pierre Hunt (left), local elder; Lewis W. Edwards, D.Min., pastor; Robert Patterson Jr., CFO; Michael Clarke, head elder; and Shelman Alexander,... read more →
BY Roger Alvarez, Hispanic Ministries Coordinator Mileydis Alvarez (left) and Ruber Alvarez, pastor from the Kansas Conference, challenged the youth as they discussed relevant issues affecting the youth of today.... read more →
BY Bethany H. Parker, Principal, Perrine Seventh-day Adventist School “Education in Nature with God” was the theme for the sixth-grade Outdoor School held at Southeastern Camp Hawthorne, November 5-7, 2018.... read more →
BY Daniela Jean Southeastern Conference young adults restored a battered church building in Cap-Haitien, Haiti, October 5-8, 2018. Along with local volunteers, they refurbished tattered... read more →