BY SEC Communication Staff Isaac Dixon, new IT support specialist intern at Southeastern Conference. Dixon is an honor graduate of the Oakwood University class of 2018, with a B.S. in... read more →
BY Clarence L. Wright, Ministerial Director Lindsay Syeh became the first female pastor to be assigned a church district, to serve as its senior pastor, in Southeastern. She firmly believes... read more →
BY Robert Moore The Southeastern Conference is calling members with the gift of evangelism and a thirst for souls to enroll in Bible instructor training. SEC is empowering lay members... read more →
BY laura cruz Chaplaincy ministry assistants celebrate a successful training with Southeastern Conference officials and leaders of the International Alliance Chaplains & Law Enforcement. These volunteer ministry assistants received intensive... read more →
BY marc dolcy Campers Ezra Madrid (left) and Cole Anson take a breather while climbing the Camp Hawthorne mountain climbing wall and obstacle course. Summer camp is a time for... read more →
BY Diane Moore Barclay Shaton Glover-Alves, Ed.D., guest speaker, reminded the attendees to “Be Still and Know. . .God’s Provisions.” Maranatha Church women’s ministries team reached out to their community... read more →
BY Kevin Cameron Prince Lewis (left), Southeastern Conference youth ministries director, and Terrell Hill (right), mayor of the City of Palatka, Fla., marched through a Palatka neighborhood to promote nonviolence.... read more →
BY Francine Brown Robotics camp challenge winners pose with camp staff: Robert Henley (left, rear), Brenden Henley, Francine Brown, Tai Henley, and Tiffany McNealy; Myles Rachel (left, front), Kaleb Ruff,... read more →
BY Cynthia MurraY Southeastern’s newly commissioned teachers celebrate commitment to Adventist education with Conference administrators: Michael Owusu (left), D.Min., executive secretary; Barbara Davis, Ed.D., education superintendent; Willie Walker; Tonia Satterfield;... read more →
BY Karen Greene Gregory Mack (center), Southeastern president, presents the newly ordained pastoral couples Joanne and Rudolph Sterling and Sylvie and Price Reveil. Sterling and Reveil both served as hospital... read more →