by Amireh al-haddad Throughout the 2016 campaign, Donald Trump promised voters, especially evangelicals who were behind him, that he would do away with an IRS restriction brought about in 1954.... read more →
Ron Smith, president... read more →
How Does It Impact My Church? by richard stephenson Southern Union Information Technology Services training session to develop ways to secure the Church’s infrastructure Richard... read more →
by the Southern Union Office of Education Team Carrie Churchwell, fifth- and sixth-grade teacher at Duluth Adventist Christian School in Duluth, Georgia, checks a... read more →
I enjoyed the opportunity to... read more →
by keith reid Priscilla Tolera distributes GLOW tracts to crowds in downtown Atlanta, Georgia. Stadium event literature distribution is a powerful part of the Union-wide... read more →
Hispanic Students and Church Members Join Hands by mAriel lombardi Luis Caballero works with... read more →
Ron C. Smith, D.Min., Ph.D. Why should people work? The Bible gives some remarkably comprehensive and penetrating answers that have little to do with meeting needs, finding fulfillment, becoming successful,... read more →
Ron C. Smith, D.Min., Ph.D. Perhaps you have, as I have, noticed the bumper sticker entitled “Happiness is Being Single.” If happiness is being single, why do some of these... read more →
Supporting Adventist Baby Boomers by MIGUEL A. VALDIVIA The Adventist Baby Boomer generation is starting to retire, and the gigantic size of it, plus the well-documented longevity connected with the... read more →