In an abundance of caution and in our quest to be part of the solution and not a problem, the Southern Union Conference, as of the end of business on Monday, March 16, 2020, has transitioned to a virtual operation. All efforts have been made to ensure day-to-day operation will continue without interruption. You can still contact any of our employees by phone and email.
For the health of our employees and members, all face-to-face meetings or appointments with Southern Union employees will need to be cancelled, rescheduled or be conducted through phone, Zoom or other technology platforms.
What we learned from other countries is that this disease is highly contagious and more lethal than the seasonal flu. We learned that individuals can exhibit few of the symptoms, yet still be infected and contagious. Being unaware that an employee could be are infected, the disease could be unknowingly and unintentionally spread within the office. Our office staff is composed of many individuals in various age groups and various health conditions, maybe some with compromised immune systems. Therefore, we must exercise caution for the whole group. We must be proactive in assisting our federal, state and local authorities by minimizing exposure. Furthermore, if one of our employees tests positive for the virus, the rest of the office would have to self-quarantine.
Southern Union Conference Administration will evaluate the situation on April 22, 2020, to determine if virtual operations need to be extended. For the latest updates on the coronavirus and its impact in the Southern Union and resources for members, churches and schools, please visit and
God is our present help in times of trouble (Psalm 46:1). He will guide us through these times by His strength and power. He has blessed and protected us in the past and we need to continue to trust in His leading going forward. Please stay safe and healthy. Minimize your exposure and follow CDC guidelines as expressed on their website. God bless!
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