Christina Norris

Christina Norris

Christina Norris
When Jordan Collazo, senior at Forest Lake Academy, decided to attend Prayer Conference last year, his motivation was simple: he wanted to get out of class. His friends had talked about the fun, friendships, and the break from school — so he signed up. What he didn’t expect were the conversations that led him to be rebaptized the last day of the 2024 Southern Union Prayer Conference.
This year, as Collazo sat in a vehicle headed back to Prayer Conference, he felt nervous. Now a student leader, Collazo traveled to Camp Kulaqua, in High Springs, Florida, to lead one of 28 “family group” — a small group of academy students who would connect, pray, and grow together. Collazo understood the impact Prayer Conference could have, and he wanted to create the same impact for his group.
“I want to show others that [Jesus] is a beautiful thing to commit to,” said Collazo.
On Tuesday night, Collazo joined about 60 other student leaders in the snug confines of an A-frame building. At first the atmosphere was quiet, but gradually, laughter and loud chatter erupted as the student leaders bonded. The training that followed on Tuesday evening, Wednesday morning, and Wednesday afternoon prepared them for their roles as student leaders. Through various activities, the event leadership helped instill how impactful the conference could be for students, and how important the role of a student leader is.
The first official night of the conference was Wednesday. More than 300 students sat in the King’s Chapel waiting for worship to begin. Each night, groups of students representing each conference in the Southern Union would participate in worship by leading music, presenting a skit, reading Scripture, or praying. Their participation was greatly received by their fellow students, who supported their peers. Students prayerfully joined in singing as Southern Adventist University’s student-led worship ministry, Engage Worship, led them in song. As the music wrapped up, Chad Bernard, Michigan Conference youth director and the speaker for the event, made his way to the stage. Bernard kept the students engaged by posing questions, asking for audience participation, and sharing personal stories.
Following the evening worships, recreational activities were offered, like hayrides, a foam party, s’mores, and an “afterglow” (a time of praise). Greg Taylor, Southern Union Youth Ministries Department director, was moved by how many students chose to join afterglow over other activities.
“We dismissed [the students] to go do other activities, and they are still in [the chapel] praising God …. My heart is pretty full right now,” said Taylor.
Morning worships followed a similar structure to evening worships. After the first morning worship session, the first family group meetings began. Collazo’s group, like many others, started with icebreakers to learn more about each other. The groups were a mix of students from 16 different academies attending the event. Throughout the next few family group sessions, the groups continued to participate in icebreakers and games, while also praying, studying the Bible, and having vulnerable discussions.
The family groups met twice a day, with a recreational period between the two meetings. During the afternoon recreational time, Camp Kulaqua buzzed with activity as some students played soccer and pickleball. Others scaled the rock-climbing wall, rode horses, or raced go-karts. Meanwhile, the student leaders dedicated a portion of the recreational time to preparing for their family group meetings.
The pinnacle of the week came during Friday night Vespers. The gym, once a hub for basketball, was transformed into a place of worship. Strings of Christmas lights wrapped around a wooden cross near the stage, and artificial votives cast a warm glow around the gym. After a heartfelt praise session, Bernard shared a message about God’s desire to take messy lives and replace them with His righteousness. As the sermon concluded, an invitation for baptism was extended.
Students moved to the front, wrapping their arms around one another in support; several with tears rolling down their faces. Friends of those stepping forward for baptism joined them, forming a large circle of encouragement. The speaker prayed over the group, creating a moment some students described as one of the most spiritual in their lives.
Students who wanted to be baptized met in a small side room to talk about their decision. The room became so crowded the room divider, which separated two smaller rooms, was folded away to create a larger room. Even with this space, the students and sponsors created a circle that completely encompassed the area. Bernard encouraged the students not to let their desire for baptism slip away, and urged the students to make a commitment to Jesus in their hearts that very night.
Meanwhile, the other students began communion. They washed each other’s feet before sharing unleavened bread and grape juice. Family groups met one final time that night, many sitting together for more than an hour sharing how God had impacted them during the Conference. Tears flowed freely as students reflected.
The following morning, 16 students were baptized. Some, like one student whose family drove 15 hours from Texas to support her, had planned their baptism in advance. Others made the decision that very morning, inspired by the week’s events. As each student was baptized, cheers erupted, filling the air with praise. “I can’t imagine the party going on in Heaven right now,” one student said.
Among those baptized was a member of Collazo’s group. Reflecting on the experience, Collazo said he shouldn’t have been worried at the beginning of the Conference, and he was happy that he had accomplished his goals.
“One person in my group got baptized, and it happened to be one of my closest friends. Knowing that I had such an impact in someone’s life, let alone someone who I’m very close with, it makes me feel even better than I did before about baptism,” said Collazo.
As the buses departed Camp Kulaqua, the students carried with them more than memories of laughter and late-night praise. They returned with spirits revived and hearts transformed. Just as it had for Collazo the year prior, Prayer Conference became more than an opportunity to miss school. For countless students it was the start of a new chapter in their spiritual lives.
Southern Union | March 2025

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