The Lakeview Church Community Food Pantry has been in operation since September 2007. They serve communities in northwest Georgia. At the start of the COVID-19 pandemic, many families lost their jobs. Children were home because schools were closed. Lakeview decided to keep their food pantry open so they could continue to provide much needed food assistance to the families of the community.
The members were not fearful of the pandemic. God said trust Him, and He will deliver from “the snare of the fowler and from the noisome pestilence,” Psalm 91:3. Like soldiers, they put on their armor of prayer and claimed Isaiah 41:10, “Fear thou not for I am with thee; be not dismayed for I am thy God.” They girded themselves with mask and gloves as required by the CDC, and changed their method of food distribution from client choice to drive thru.
They noticed an increase in the number of families coming to the Food Pantry to get food. They needed more food, and God said He would supply all their needs according to His riches in glory. Their partner Food Bank started delivering large amounts of food every week. They also made arrangement for Lake-view to get boxes of food from another donor. With an increase in the amount of food, plus donations of regular donors, they were able to distribute food to the families six times per month. A summary of what was accomplished during the first six months of the year, January 1 to June 20: 6,273 households were served, 23,855 families were fed, and approximately 400,000 pounds of food was distributed.
“If it was not for this Food Pantry, I don’t know how the families of this community would survive,” said Marie, a client, grateful that Lakeview is a lighthouse in the community.
God kept all His promises, and they can always trust Him. They had enough food to distribute to all the families. None of their hardworking team members and volunteers contracted COVID. The members thank God for His faithfulness and loving care.
Georgia-Cumberland | September 2021