Oshkosh port-a-potties aren’t the best, it’s basically a hole in the ground but in a box. They don’t even give you a choice to use a regular bathroom, you have to use them. One of my friends even said “it smelled like stink bombs in a box”.
Since there more people then potties there are lines but there are also people that really need to go and they skip (I don’t hate because I love Jesus) but I highly dislike them.
So there I was in line needing to use the restroom this guy just skips the line. He doesn’t even look at us or nothing and when he gets out he just leaves. He doesn’t even apologize, he just leaves. Like ok dude next time just wait in line. The guy behind me was like “are you serious”.
Hopefully, people will get better at this whole potty thing in the next 5 years.