My experience in Oshkosh, Wisconsin has been absolutely amazing and an indescribable experience. It’s hard of me to describe my experience because I have no clue where to start.
There is so much to this camp that I cannot describe in a 100 word essay. I’m very thankful to say God has given me a chance to come two years in a row. I come from TN which is about 12 hours counting the stops we have to make. The road trip sailed very smooth I think God had the whole way ready for us because we had no trouble getting here at all.
The only problem that I could possibly think about our trip was how late we arrived due to having very hungry campers and needing to stop a couple of times for food. We arrived kind of late and you would never imagine how hard it is to set up tents in the dark.
Our first day here was mainly us finishing up our camp site including the kitchen, diner, and even some tents. Being here for now the second time in a row makes me realize how spiritually connected with God camps like these make me feel.
I thank God for his care and blessings because now I can surely saw Oshkosh, Wisconsin is my happy place.