Judith Nembhard Christopher Munive prays with several villagers in India following an evening revival meeting. Munive, accompanied by family and friends, spent two weeks... read more →
Reed Couch, communications coordinator at AdventHealth in Georgia Daniela Villela-Martinez As a high school senior, Daniela Villela-Martinez found herself at a crossroads, uncertain about her career path and unsure how... read more →
Jennifer Audette and Natalie DeYoung Accepting their awards are Cody Spencer, Ability Housing Programs manager (second from left), and Olga Melnik, Hope Clinic director,... read more →
Southern students and faculty from the School of Journalism and Communication who attended the SAC Convention gather for a group photo. contributed Southern Wins Nine Society of Adventist Awards Once... read more →
Pictured with Harvey Alférez (sixth from the right), this group of students from Kenya was specifically impacted by his sermon about having a strong biblical worldview. Harvey Alférez Professor’s Message... read more →
Paola mora zepeda Edward and Mariya Marton pose inside the Kentucky-Tennessee Conference headquarters. Edward Marton, who has served as the Conference's youth director since January 2023, has recently accepted a... read more →
Bladimir Manzano The East Louisville Hispanic Church began with a single family and has now grown to more than 50 members. Photo courtesy of... read more →
Paola Mora Zepeda José Alba, a member of the Clarksville, Tenn., Church, is honored with the Life Saving Award by the Oak Grove City Police... read more →
Chantell Coetzer, director of Recruitment & Development, Service Project Coordinator When Hurricane Helene struck North Carolina, it... read more →
Yudith Flores, Assistant to the Director of Children’s Ministries for Hispanic Churches Several children preached. Yudith Flores The Carolina Conference’s Hispanic Children’s Ministries brought together more than 300 children and... read more →