In the Gospel of Matthew 28:19-20, the body of Christ were given the Great Commission. In this commission, or marching orders, He gives three one-word actions: Go, Teach, and Baptize.
Before the pandemic, the Church primarily baptized people who physically stepped into the church building, and very rarely did eyes land on those who never attended. The Door of Hope and New Life churches of South Carolina decided to place an equal focus on virtual membership and baptism, and Monte Newbill Sr., pastor, began to baptize within the district and outside of its territory.
Of the 15 baptisms conducted during the last 13 months, three individuals never stepped foot into the church building, meaning their first time entering the church was their baptism celebration Sabbath. On three different occasions, the pastor traveled to a church close to the baptismal candidate and baptized them at a local Seventh-day Adventist church, one of which was the pastor’s brother’s, New Life Church in Aiken, S.C., where Robert Green serves as pastor.
Throughout the pandemic, many people have made their decision to follow Jesus for the rest of their lives, and they discovered the truth through the power of virtual worship and revival. The district believes and embraces the statement in Isaiah 43:19, “Look, I am about to do something new…” The members continue to pray, and ask that many will join them as they embrace the newness that God is bringing in their area, and they look forward to seeing how God will work in their lives and yours as well.
South Atlantic | October 2022
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