Hiram ACS Demonstrates Incredible Response to Families in Need
The Hiram Adventist Community Services (ACS) team displayed an immediate response to an opportunity to help three families in need on April 3, 2023. “I have never seen such a tremendous amount of speed as was given to this moment, coupled with robust desires to serve the Lord,” said Fredric Preston, community services director at Hiram, Ga., Church. Preston coordinated the event based on knowledge from Cliff McGrady, zoning administrator and project manager for the City of Hiram, and Kim Cayetano, Paulding County School District (PCSD) social worker.
The first family helped was a mother evicted by her proprietor from her home. She was sleeping in her vehicle with her two children. The second family was a mother going through a divorce and working seven days a week to take care of her four children. She made too much money to qualify for SNAP benefits. In addition, her vehicle had broken down, and she was using Uber to get to work. The third family was a single mom with four children employed as an Uber driver. During Christmas, her son submitted to the school counselor on the Christmas wish list that his family needed food. The household goods and toiletries provided included literature that shared the everlasting Gospel.
This event is inspirational because it establishes opportunities to serve the Lord in the most unexpected places. Being ready and willing to help others is the whole idea of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Everyone must care, seek, and take notice of these types of occasions. The rewards are marvelous. Efforts such as these advance the mission of the Seventh-day Adventist Church in calling all people to become disciples of Jesus Christ, to proclaim the everlasting Gospel embraced by the three angels’ messages (Revelation 14:6-12), and to prepare the world for Christ’s soon return.
Georgia-Cumberland | June 2023
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