Ralph Peay, D.Min., presented Mary Kate McNeil with a proclamation on Sabbath, April 22, 2023, from the South Atlantic Conference.
Peay, former president of South Atlantic, now serves as the senior ministries director for the Conference.
Mary Kate McNeil is a member of the Shiloh Church in Charleston, S.C., and the proclamation was given in honor of her 100th birthday.
McNeil was born April 20, 1923, and was raised in Marion, S.C. She grew up in a Christian home where she and her siblings were introduced to the Seventh-day Adventist message by her mother, Golder Brunson.
After marrying William McNeil, she moved to Charleston, S.C., where she resides in the home they built 80 years ago, and where they still reside. Together, Mary Kate McNeil and her husband raised 18 children.
Although she had to work as a domestic worker to help shoulder the financial burden of Adventist education, her faith never wavered. At one point she had five children attending Oakwood College (now Oakwood University) at the same time, and three other children simultaneously attending Andrews University. Through her faithfulness, today 14 of her children have college degrees, vocational training, or military careers. In addition, she has 23 grandchildren, and three great-grandchildren who attended or graduated from Adventist Christian schools, colleges, and universities.
Throughout her 100 years, she has had family worships and attended Camp Meetings. She has served in her church in many capacities, including the health and temperance leader, Sabbath School teacher, church clerk, hospitality committee, Dorcas Society (Adventist Community Services) leader, and missionary volunteer leader (AYS). She also worked as a Bible instructor and served her community as well — opening her doors to anyone who needed help with a meal, support, or encouragement.
She says the secret to her longevity is to follow a vegan diet and the Seven Laws of Health.
On the Sabbath she was awarded the proclamation, Ralph Peay was the worship speaker. His message was based on Psalm 92 and was titled “The Palm Tree Christian,” which was a reflection and testimony of the life of Mary Kate McNeil.
South Atlantic | October 2023
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