Oakwood Farms (OF) was invited by the Alabama Sustainable Agriculture Network (ASAN) to participate in the first Graze: Huntsville event that took place Sunday, July 14, 2019, from 5 to 8 p.m. The event paired local chefs with a local farm to develop a unique culinary experience for attendees.
The event has experienced success during the past five years in the Birmingham, Ala., area, which inspired the organization to bring the celebration of sustainability in farming to Huntsville. “We want to continue to do more events like this with partners in the community,” remarked Corzetta Underwood, assistant manager at Oakwood Farms.
Another good pairing is Oakwood Farms and ASAN. Oakwood Farms promotes faithful stewardship of God’s land, and that includes refraining from using harsh chemicals that might poison the soil. ASAN is a grassroots network of farmers and agriculture-related organizations, all committed to promoting sustainable agriculture in Alabama.
As the reputation of Oakwood Farms continues to stretch across northern Alabama, there will be increased involvement in ventures such as this in the region and state. The public will not have to wait long, because those who missed Graze: Huntsville will have an opportunity to support Oakwood Farms at Graze: Birmingham, scheduled to take place this month.
Oakwood University | September 2019
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