Raquel Miller
Raquel Miller
Raquel Miller
This past summer at Temple Gate Church in Selma, Ala., Cody Miller, pastor, ended a two-week revival series culminating in 70 baptisms. Because their church motto is “Our Gates are Always Open,” experiencing a global shutdown made it difficult to stay connected with their community to whom their gates were now closed for the foreseeable future. Although Temple Gate consistently gives food and clothes, their members believe that, above anything else, sharing the love of Jesus with the community is a priority. Thus, a revival entitled “Walls Torn Down” was a deliberate effort by the church and its leadership to safely and responsibly preach the Gospel to the residents of Dallas County.
Miller worked with a ministry called In His Word, which has pioneered a socially distanced form of evangelism. Thanks to the efforts of the Bible workers calling and making sure people came or viewed online, many Selma residents were able hear the nightly messages. The workers included Alfred and Anya Miller as coordinators, Paul and Hattie Garrett, Jody White, and Debbie Hicks. These individuals were sent into the community with masks and other essential items to protect themselves as they conducted Bible lessons socially distanced.
On baptism Sabbath it was a great and glorious day as 70 individuals went down into the water. One by one, the Lord added to Temple Gate Church men, women, boys, and girls. The church took a risk, but God received the reward.
South Central | October 2021