The Conference-level Pathfinder Bible Experience took place at the University Parkway Church in Pensacola, Fla., on February 24, 2018. The event attracted three teams from the Gulf States Conference, two more than last year. The Hattiesburg Hawks, Montgomery Warriors for Christ, and Pensacola Gators answered detailed questions based on the Bible books of Daniel and Esther, and the theme sections from the SDA Bible Commentary on those two Bible books. Teams employed various strategies to learn these sections of the Bible in preparation for the event. Some groups divided the books and chapters between each Pathfinder, leaving individuals responsible for specific parts of books. Other teams simply learned as much as they could as a group without explicitly dividing the responsibility.
The seven-member Pensacola Gators achieved first-place status by correctly answering more than 90 percent of the questions asked. Both the Hattiesburg Hawks and Montgomery Warriors for Christ achieved third-place status by correctly answering between 70 and 79 percent of the questions. The Gulf States Conference is proud of all the participating teams in this year’s event.
The Gators advanced to the Southern Union Pathfinder Bible Experience event on March 24, where they again made first-placement by correctly answering more than 90 percent of the questions asked. The Gators will advance, along with 31 other teams from the Southern Union, to the North American Division finals in Florida, where they will meet with 193 teams from across the Division to test their memory on these pivotal books of the Bible.
Gulf States | May 2018
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