WholeLife Church in Orlando, Fla., formerly Florida Hospital Church, recently began holding a plant-based potluck. The plant-based diet is a staple of the Adventist health message and is likely the best diet for good health, the environment, and the welfare of animals. Adam and Eve ate it, and Daniel also.
More and more, friends and family are posting on social media about loved ones dealing with various illnesses and conditions, many of which may have roots in or be helped by lifestyle choices. Jason Bingham noticed this in the lives of many of his friend’s friends, families, and people he worked with in health ministry. Switching to a plant-based diet, along with decreasing processed sugar intake, helped so many people move forward in their health journey.
This is why Bingham and members of the WholeLife Church put on a plant-based potluck six times a year in alternate months. They have found it to be a great way to get to know new friends, share recipes, fellowship with visitors, and talk about ways to use lifestyle choices to represent the health message in a positive and powerful way.
What’s fun about this church? There are so many families who come from different parts of the world and will often bring representative dishes. Long gone are the days when people saw “vegan” food as bland and boring. These days a plant-based meal plan can be rich with flavor and variety.
Florida | April 2020
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