Henry Stubbs
Henry Stubbs
Members of the World Youth Group (WYG) visited Cuba recently, and saw firsthand the devastation caused by Hurricane Matthew. Forests, cattle, buildings, homes, and many resources were completely destroyed. Many people lost everything they owned, including their Bibles, and were overjoyed when WYG team members gave them new Bibles. Medical missionaries told of patients on life support, and of a mother in the midst of a complicated delivery, who lost their lives because of the loss of power to the hospital.
Donations to assist those in Cuba who have been affected by Hurricane Matthew, have been sent to WYG. In close collaboration with Jenaro Jiminez, president of the Eastern Conference, the decision was made to use these funds to provide tin for new roofs for some of the 400 Seventh-day Adventist families who lost their homes and/or roofs. The materials for each roof will cost $125 CUCs ($135 US), and at the time of writing, more than 240 roofs have been funded.
Praise God for the way He continues to touch the hearts of His people to respond with sacrificial generosity to those who have suffered such great loss.
Carolina | March 2017
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